Sunday 13 April 2014

Pakistan Suffering greatly by Global warming and Pollution

photo credits: pakistan
    Soot from diesel exhausts and the burning of wood, agricultural waste and dung for heating and cooking causes an estimated two million premature deaths a year, particularly in the poorest countries. Scientists say that concerted action on these substances can reduce global temperatures by 0.5 degrees Celsius by 2050 and prevent millions of cases of lung and heart disease by 2030. There is no way to effectively address a climate change without reducing carbon dioxide, the most dangerous, prevalent, and persistent greenhouse gas. It stays in the atmosphere for hundreds of years.

Soil Erosion in Pakistan

The Problem
Soil erosion in pakistan is becoming an increasingly bigger problem. One of the main causes for this erosion is the overgrazing of land. As well as deforestation and poor water management. This erosion results in a decline of soil fertility making it very hard to grow crops in areas of Pakistan. Wind and water erosion is effecting over 76% of Pakistan and every year the country losing a billlion tons of soil thatis being dumped into the Arabian sea.This erosion primarily takes place in the summer due to the heavy downpours that exisit during that season. There is particular concern over the soil erosion in the river chenbab pictured above. This river has eroded over 12,000 acres of agricultural land and is affectinbg more and more villages in Pakistan.