Saturday 10 May 2014


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Climate Change: causes and effects

Climate change means changing weather patterns over a large area in long time period. Five major risks of climate change that Pakistan is facing are glacial retreats, floods, high temperature, rise in sea level, more droughts. Climate change cause increase in temperature, flooding, decrease in crops and many others. It has direct effect on life. There is shortage of fresh water due to climate change.

According to German Watch report of 2011, Pakistan has been ranked 3rd most vulnerable country to climate change. In a Climate Change Adoption Conference on 9 April 2014 by Focus Humanitarian Assistance Program in collaboration with Karakoram International University organised to discuss the impact of global warming and how to decrease risks, it was shared that Pakistan ranked as the 12th most affected by extreme weather events by the Global Climate Risk Index 1993-2012.

Causes of Climate Change
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Green House gases
Green house gases include water vapours, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Chlorofluorocarbons.

Need for Plantation

According to a report in Dawn newspaper of June 25, 2010, Pakistan has highest annual deforestation rate in Asia. Forests are being converted into lands due to need of more residential area. According to WWF report of 2010, deforestation rate in Pakistan is 2.1%. About 61,000 hectares forests have been converted to land.

According to these reports it is clear that rate of deforestation in Pakistan is very high.

About me

I (Aafiya Bint-e-Nasir) am the student of BS(Hons) with Mass Communication Major at Lahore College for Women University. Along with studying, i am Sub-editor of an International literary Punjabi magazine 'Laikh'.


Pakistan is facing a lot of environmental problems. These challenges are less focused by government. These problems can cause danger for living beings. People have no idea how much these poblems can b harmfull for them. The rate of population growth is very high, it is the seventh most populous country. Resource management os the country is also very poor. The picture wit large population and poor resource management is horrible, it leads to energy wastage. several healolth issues are generated due to these problems. Government should take serious steps for the management of resources and to solve these problems for the sake of secure future.

Natural Disasters in Pakistan

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People in Pakistan has witnessed worst natural disasters that caused horrible loss in form of human lives lose, property and infrastructure damage. Pakistan faced worst disasters, especially flood in the past few years. Many people are affected by these disasters, property, life and crops were lost in large amount. Increase in population is the major cause of damage because it makes difficult to manage the resources. Recent floods were the reason of poor resource management in Pakistan. Pakistan faced more disasters in its first 10 years. Man powers, in the form of aid, are used for the rehabilitation of those places and people. Those areas, affected by disasters are not rehabilitated yet. These areas lack clean water, electricity, schools, hospitals and many others needs. Although these disasters and natural and from God but even that they can be managed to have as less loss as possible.