Saturday 10 May 2014

Need for Plantation

According to a report in Dawn newspaper of June 25, 2010, Pakistan has highest annual deforestation rate in Asia. Forests are being converted into lands due to need of more residential area. According to WWF report of 2010, deforestation rate in Pakistan is 2.1%. About 61,000 hectares forests have been converted to land.

According to these reports it is clear that rate of deforestation in Pakistan is very high.

Dr. Umt-ur- Rasheed Tabinda, a professor of environmental science gave her view on the need for plantation that; local community in forests area should be given an incentive to achieve the purpose. Government should manage the resources and take incentives to produce biogas which is used as fuel and energy source. ‘Biogas is used in the production of electricity too. Agriculture lands can use it as fertilizer. Multipurpose biogas is produced by wood of trees. Cutting trees is a source of earning for poor. Governmental policies are not implemented properly. Floods can also cause by deforestation.’ She said.

Trees are known as lungs of nature that cleans the environment. Air pollution can be reduced by trees. Main cause of deforestation is population, for a large number of populations there is the need for more food and land for residential purpose. Trees are used to make furniture and house hold purpose products, produce fuel and energy and to make papers. Soil erosion, which is another environmental problem, also increases due to cutting of trees. Urbanization need more land that cause deforestation. Not having trees is a major threat to life. In Pakistan only 3% of the land consists of forests, where it should be 25% of the total land.
‘There is the need to grow more plants and trees. Being a Muslim it is our double responsibility to grow trees, it not only fulfil the above mentioned requirements but also a source of reward by Allah’ said by a Religious Scholar.
 Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon Him said:

‘If any Muslim plants any plant and human being or animal eats of it he will be rewarded as if, he had given that much in charity.’

Planting trees helps environment in many ways, it filter pollution from air and make it clean, help water recycle, provide food, provide shelter and home to animals, prevent soil erosion and much more. Trees should be regularly planted to provide a better atmosphere to mankind and animals. Grow plant pair every year and get fresh air!

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