Saturday 10 May 2014

Climate Change: causes and effects

Climate change means changing weather patterns over a large area in long time period. Five major risks of climate change that Pakistan is facing are glacial retreats, floods, high temperature, rise in sea level, more droughts. Climate change cause increase in temperature, flooding, decrease in crops and many others. It has direct effect on life. There is shortage of fresh water due to climate change.

According to German Watch report of 2011, Pakistan has been ranked 3rd most vulnerable country to climate change. In a Climate Change Adoption Conference on 9 April 2014 by Focus Humanitarian Assistance Program in collaboration with Karakoram International University organised to discuss the impact of global warming and how to decrease risks, it was shared that Pakistan ranked as the 12th most affected by extreme weather events by the Global Climate Risk Index 1993-2012.

Causes of Climate Change
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Green House gases
Green house gases include water vapours, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Chlorofluorocarbons.
Green house gases allow the sunlight to entre but absorb the heat radiation. Green house gases cause global warming. Now the average temperature of world is about 14 degree centigrade, without green house gases it would be around -19 degree centigrade. Earth is becoming warmer with time.

Gases of Burning Fuels
            Gases produced by fuels when they burn also cause climate change. It raises atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Gases released from cars, air conditioners, aerosol sprays, refrigerators and smoke from chimneys of factories becomes cause of air pollution that creates change in climate.

Aerosols in Atmosphere
            They change the chemical properties of clouds that effect rains. Aerosols scatter and absorb solar radiations. They are produced by industrial process and human activity.

Cutting of Trees
            Trees are very important for good atmosphere; they produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Cutting of trees cause floods and reduce air pollution.

Effects of Climate Change

Effect on Human Health: It has severe effect on life, as it spreads more infectious diseases. Many health diseases are caused due to change in climate.

Extreme Weather: Change in climate cause extreme winter and extreme summer. It causes more strong storms.

Ozone depletion: Global warming and emission of chlorofluorocarbons cause ozone depletion. Holes in ozone allow those sun rays enter in earth that cause skin problems.

Loss of Biodiversity: Many species are changed due to change in climate. Our ecosystem is also changed.

Global Warming: It is the main effect that the whole world is facing due to change in climate. Earth is becoming warmer and temperature of earth is rising.

Wildlife at risk: Species of many animals are become extent.

Increasing Sea Levels: Sea level is rising due to glaciers and ice caps

Increasing risk of drought and floods: As climate change causes extreme weather, in that extreme weather, the risk of drought and floods increase.

Economic Losses: Droughts, floods and cyclone not only takes lives but also cause a large amount of economic loss.

Effect on Agriculture: Agriculture has largest part in the Pakistan’s economy, it produce almost 24% of the total economy of county. Crops are damaged and affected by climate change.